Reference Collection

Welcome to the Museum's Reference Collection. It is our on-site, non-circulating research library. Research appointments may be made by contacting the Curator of Collections. Please note that the Reference Collection is separate from the City Museum's Permanent Collection and receives a different level of care.

The objects are listed numerically by their object identification number. There are two ways to browse the collection. To view individual records one by one, click "Start Exhibit" either on the menu bar above or the "Click Here to State the Exhibit" below. To see a full listing of all the objects, click on "Table of Contents" in the menu bar above.

A keyword search function is not available, but the "Find" feature of your browser can help you located keywords. To best utilize the "Find" feature, go to the "Table of Contents" option and press Ctrl+F to make the "Find" search box appear. Type your keyword into the search box to find the keyword in the records.

Click Here to Start the Exhibit.