JDCM Education
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Donated by multiple sources.
Object Name:
Basket, Birch Bark
Round basket , one round piece of bar stiched to bottom with thick material. The sides of the basket are alternating white and brown diamond shapes of bark woven together. The edge of the basket has a .5 inch thick strip of thin bark on the inside and outside and a .25 inch thick strip of bark that is stiched with the same thick material used on the bottom.

2005 Gift of Marie Olson
ANAC Cache 1970's
Marie worked in the ANAC cache gift shop in the 1970's. ANAC would give people some instruction about care, including encouraging people to rub ivory with their hands to transfer oils from the hands that were thought to be good for the ivory. Some people's hand oils are said to turn ivory yellow, an dothers turn it pink. Walrus tusk ivory tends to this in particular. ANAC instructed people not to put ivory or baskets in the sun or on the fireplaces mantle. ANAC also instructed people in dry climates like Arizona to keep a cup of water near the ivory to prevent it from drying out and cracking. THis is now known to be a poor practice. ANAC had a good reputation with Natives, and sold materials to them as well including beads, raffia, smoked moosehide from Canada etc. (Note that was with collection)
Olson, Marie
Alaska Natives
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