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Record 64/75
B&W photo in horizontal view of a city street with snow heaped in the middle of the street. It is a street lined with many stores and 2 parked vehicles. On lower proper left is printed: JUNEAU, ALASKA. HEAVIEST SNOWFALL IN TEN YEARS." and "© 30ORDWAY." On reverse side is stamped for mailing as a postcard. Adhesive from the photo album page is on all 4 corners.
Juneau, Alaska. Heaviest snowfall in ten years. -Federal and Territorial Building: Photographs depicting the construction of the Alaska State Capitol -Permission to use this image may be obtained by contacting museum staff.
Juneau heavy winter snow~30

All images are the property of the Juneau-Douglas City Museum. No image may be copied, downloaded or reproduced without the express permission of the Juneau-Douglas City Museum.

Mailing Address: 155 South Seward, Juneau, Alaska 99801 --- General Information: (907) 586-3572 ---- Museum Home: Curator of Collections and Exhibits: Jodi DeBruyne
Last modified on: December 31, 2014