JDCM Reference
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Folder, File
File: Natural History: Animals — Air
One (1) newspaper article from the Juneau Empire dated 10/26/2003, entitled "Alaska's peregrine falcons: stay or leave?", written by Riley Woodford of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. (Newspaper article is two pieces attached with staple.)

Two (2) copies of a poster entitiled "How Many Birds of Alaska Can You Identify?"

One (1) copy of "The American Bald Eagle Fact Sheet" by the American Bald Eagle Foundation and the Jay Hammond Research Institute.

One (1) newspaper article from the Juneau Empire dated March 3,1933, entitled: "Juneau's past contains numerous fowl incidents" written by Sheery Simpson.

One (1) copy of an article from the Alaska Fish and Game Campfire Reflections entitled "Kings of the Sky" by Robert L. Parish. Article is about crows and ravens.

One (1) newspaper article from the Southeastern Log dated September 1987, entitled "SEACC: Nab LPK for killed eagles" by Kirk McAllister. Article was reprinted from the Juneau Empire, July 30, 1987.

One (1) booklet entitled "BIRDS OF SOUTHEAST ALASKA: A Checklist" published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the US Forest Service, Alaska Region, In cooperation with Audubon Society, Juneau Chapter and the sate of Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Published September 1978

One (1) photocopy of a 4—page document titled "Common Plants and Animals of the Tongass National Forest" produced by the U.S. Forest Service.

One (1) 2—page magazine article torn from the June 2003 Alaskan Southeaster titled "King of Fishers" by Marge Hermans and Bob Armstrong.
Search Terms:
Natural History